Famous fashion designer Rohit Bal died on Friday due to prolonged illness. Rohit was suffering from heart disease for a long time. He was also admitted to Medanta Hospital in Gurugram in November 2023 where he was kept in the ICU as his condition worsened. The 63-year-old designer made a comeback earlier this year and presented his last show at the Lakme India Fashion Week in Delhi last month. He lost the battle of life. Hearing the news of Rohit Bal’s death has come as a huge shock to everyone from his fans to the stars.
Rohit Bal Death reason
There were worrying news coming out about the health of designer Rohit Bal for a long time. The Fashion Design Council of India has also posted a condolence message on the demise of famous fashion designer Rohit Bal. FDCI wrote on Instagram along with the fashion icon’s picture, ‘We are sharing this post with a sad heart, condoling the demise of veteran designer Rohit Bal. He was a founding member of the Fashion Design Council of India (FDCI). Known for his unique blend of traditional patterns and modern sensibilities, Bal’s work has greatly defined Indian fashion and also inspired new generations.’
Rohit Bal already had a heart condition and had undergone emergency angioplasty after suffering a heart attack in 2010. Even before this, it was reported that Bal had been living his life through a pacemaker for many years, due to which problems started last year and due to which he had to be admitted to the hospital. Rohit Bal died due to heart disease. However, in December 2023, he released a statement saying that he was slowly recovering and expressed his gratitude for the love and prayers he had received from friends and family. Known for his amazing designs and Bollywood clientele, Rohit Bal was from Kashmir and was one of India’s most famous fashion designers.
Who is Fashion designer Rohit Bal
Rohit Bal, a graduate of St. Stephen’s College, learned fashion designing at NIFT, Delhi and has been walked by international celebrities like Pamela Anderson, Uma Thurman, Cindy Crawford and Naomi Campbell wearing his designs. Born on 8 May 1961 in Srinagar, Rohit Bal has ruled the fashion world for almost three decades. He also received many awards. He was also named ‘Designer of the Year’ at the International Fashion Awards in 2001 and 2004, and at the Indian Fashion Awards in 2006.
Vicky is an experienced journalist with over 2 years of expertise in Indian politics, social issues, and economic trends. A graduate of Delhi University with a degree in Journalism.