A Pakistani content creator shared a video on social media celebrating Diwali for the first time in Karachi, which has gone viral. The video shared by Bilal Hasan on Instagram has been viewed more than millions of times as it shows people’s heart-touching experience. Also Read- A 60 year old man found a 20 year old bride video goes viral on social media
Pakistani influencer celebrated Diwali
Hasan said, “Diwali in Pakistan. I have never celebrated Diwali in my life. He said, “Sindh is home to Pakistan’s largest Hindu community. Karachi, being the largest city, has the most vibrant celebrations in the country.
In his video, Haasan was seen getting into the festive spirit at the crowded Swami Narayan Temple, where locals had gathered to celebrate the festival of lights. In the video, people are celebrating Diwali with family and friends by bursting crackers and enjoying sweets.
Pakistani influencer celebrated Diwali Video
“Now I have heard all these things. Had never seen with my own eyes. In the joy of the festival, I prepared Edi style envelopes for my friend Ehbab and left for Swami Narayan Temple. He further said, “It is the largest temple in Karachi and the center of Hindu life in the metropolis. The place was packed.” Hasan said, “I have never seen such a scene in Karachi city in my life. All types of firecrackers were coming out from every corner. From pomegranate to paiti bomb. And everything in between. It was truly a festival of lights.”
Adding a personal touch, Hassan adopted the Diwali tradition of giving Eid-style ‘envelopes’ to friends, who, in turn, surprised him with a box of sweets. Earlier, a video of Navratri celebrations in Karachi shared by influencer Dheeraj Mandhan, in which local people were enjoying Dandiya, also went viral on social media.
Vicky is an experienced journalist with over 2 years of expertise in Indian politics, social issues, and economic trends. A graduate of Delhi University with a degree in Journalism.
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