Pakistani TikTok star Imsha Rehman has suddenly become a topic of discussion on social media. Allegedly, one of her private videos has been leaked online, after which it is going viral. With this, let us know who Imsha Rehman is and what she does. Also read- Minahil Malik Private video goes viral on twitter, instagram and facebook
Imsha Rehman Private Video
Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman is trending on social media. According to users, in the video leaked on social media, Minahil is seen in a room with a man. This video is being shared extensively on social media. Reportedly, many obscene pictures of Pakistani TikTok star have also been shared online on social media. After this people started trolling Imsha Rehman. However, the TikTok star has claimed that the video has been tampered with. Due to the news of private video leak, people have started searching for him on social media. With this, let us know who Imsha Rehman is and what statement he has given after the news of video leak.
Who is Imsha Rehman
Imsha Rehman is a famous influencer of Pakistan. He also has a huge fan following on other social media accounts including TikTok. He has millions of followers on TikTok. Apart from this, she is currently followed by 1.8 million people on Instagram, where she shares her photos, reels and videos every day. Every post of Minahil gets thousands of likes and comments. This is not the first time that this star’s private video has been leaked. The star has had to face these situations before also.
Vicky is an experienced journalist with over 2 years of expertise in Indian politics, social issues, and economic trends. A graduate of Delhi University with a degree in Journalism.
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